The Christ on Earth

From – The 1955 Letters
By Joel Goldsmith
Chapter 12 – Christmas 1955
P. 228
Excerpt – The Christ on Earth
Occasionally this Divine Spiritual Impulse, the Christ, appears as more pronounced in an individual here and there, but It exists in the consciousness of every individual on the face of the globe. There comes a specific period in the life of each individual when he comes to the place of spiritual annunciation in which the Christ is conceived, nurtured, developed, until, on Christmas Day, the Child is born; or, in other words, the Presence of the Christ is realized. The birth of the Christ does not chronologically occur on the twenty-fifth of December, nor geographically in the Holy Lands, but, rather, it takes place in the uplifted consciousness of the individual. It is this uplifted consciousness that is the Holy City – the city that is called “Sought out” – the birthplace and dwelling place of the Christ. Wherever this Spirit of God appears in human consciousness, all the blessings and prophecies regarding the rich fruitage of the Christ are made evident.

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