One-on-one – Rebirth Sessions

New Service available!

In addition to the Rebirth Sessions Online , now available the Rebirth Sessions One-on One. The awakening process is very individual, what is helpful to one doesn’t seem to work for you. It can be that you saw some video’s of the Rebirth Session on Youtube but are not able to join at the times provided and/or would rather have private sessions. Starting today (May 29th 2024) that is possible. Read below for more information and the possibility to make an appointment.

Rebirth Sessions are offered as a possibility to start to learn to apply the teaching of your spiritual path. How else can you recognize what you have received, except then by giving it away. This is your possibility to start to learn to ‘demonstrate’ what you have received. In essence: the Rebirth Sessions is set up to go beyond the protected boundaries of your own definitions of yourself and discover the freedom of being yourself.

  • We set up a time for an 60 minute, online meeting using Zoom or WhatsApp
  • we start with a moment of relaxation and stillness.
  • In our first sessions we discover where you find yourself in your awakening
  • We recognize an actual entrance point where you are inspired to express
  • You will be invited to prepare for the sessions an ‘expression’ or recognition you have with something you read or experienced
  • This expression/recognition is your personal inspiration, the creative flow through you
  • You learn to start to trust this ‘flow of Spirit’
  • After every meeting you receive an audio recording of the meeting
  • Once you want to meet again we make another appointment

Suggested donation $100 (for 3 meetings)

rebirth one on one

Rebirth Sessions

Thank you for your support
