Program week 5

The Program for week 5

To know when to expect what, in this 40 Day Awakening Intensive, here an overview starting at Day 26 of the 40 Days.

The times mentioned are Pacific Time USA, Central Time USA and Central European Time

Sunday September 24 2023Life to Grace – meditation10am PST- noon CST- 7pm CET
Monday 25thMaster Teacher Video*
Deep Peace Meditation
1amPST – 3AM CST – 10 am CET
7am PST – 9am CST – 4pm CET
Tuesday 26thDeep Peace Meditation7am PST – 9 CST – 4pm CET
Wednesday 27thMiracle Work
Deep Peace Meditation
1am PST – 3am CST – 10am CET
7am PST – 9am CST – 4pm CET
Thursday 28thMeditation
Spiritual Healing Perspective
10am PST – noon CST – 7pm CET
Friday 29thMiracle Work
Deep Peace Meditation
1am PST – 3am CST – 10am CET
7am PST – 9am CST – 4pm CET
Saturday 30thCreative Passion – meditation10am PST – noon CST – 7pm CET
Sunday 1st of OctoberLife to Grace – meditation10am PST – noon CST – 7pm CET


*Master Teacher Video

On Mondays in the early hours we watch together a Master Teacher Video from the Musical Mind Training Series. Tomorrow the 25th of September we watch:

The Production Of The Story Of A Course In Miracles
Workbook Lessons 185 – 186

A Celestial Speedup

The Production of the Story of A Course in Miracles lessons 185-186

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